Monday, June 18, 2012

Cheap Airfare Online Indonesia

Airfare will always change every time you even can get a cheaper price promo. Cheap airline tickets are always so coveted, it's no wonder because the price is not necessarily always go up and down. Other ticket prices such as bus transportation for example. Bus fares and the price tends to stabilize motor, no significant increase. In fact you could say the price as given. Could not be any set. Most limited to the feast, when they implement certain toeslag. is one of the cheapest fares between some airline ticket prices in Indonesia. Lion Air is one of the Indonesian airlines that have a target market for the middle class. One way is by providing low fares to its customers.

Cheap Airfare Online Indonesia

Lion Air plane ticket prices:
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Mataram Start 569rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Ambon Start 559rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Singapore Start 379rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Bengkulu Start 289rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Balikpapan Starting 389rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Batam Start 329rb
Lion Air Airfare Jakarta - Banda Aceh Start 609rb
For the price of tickets to other cities please visit this website: Harga Tiket Pesawat

Airfare Promo Lion Air that I show here is the cheapest class of ticket prices and if this class is fully charged then it will be offered an empty classroom at a price that is slightly more expensive depending on the class you choose. If you would like more information please visit the website or visit article will update the information plane ticket promo for your latest water lion.

NOTES: Rates may vary according to availability of tickets.
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Monday, June 11, 2012

Do not Show off photos on Facebook

A young woman in Australia who want  to DAFTAR FB and upload photos she and her grandmother was counting a stack of cash. Not long ago, two armed men entered the home wood blades and the girl.

News on the evidence that we must be careful to upload photos on the site of the world's largest social networking, facebook. In addition to inviting the criminal action. Show off photos in facebook can invite other things are just as dangerous, especially self-esteem dropped. Because it is possible that impressed wah show off photos, mecolok, or impress sexy for example, could invite any comments that are not good about ourselves. Which eventually dropped its own good name.

Invite crime

As was the case in the news That is the real proof of a result are not careful in uploading photos. Some of the things that I can invite people commit crimes due to viewing photos on facebook.

  1. Photo showing of money.
  2. Photo showing off of jewelry.
  3. Photo showing off room in the house impressed. Moreover, the room space, so the look of things that are considered a place to save money. This can be dangerous because a person can be mapped to the house to perform an action. Although less likely. But it should still be careful.

Invite "The words are a no-no"

Intention to invite a no-no words, can the words that insult. Or excessive praise. Commendable though perhaps not too much too risky, it can actually make happy. Here are some pictures that I could invite the words that are not expected.
  1. Sexy photos seem striking. Must remember, Indonesia State cultured and religious. Did not rule out the sexy photos on display at facebook will invite a variety of unpleasant comments in the liver. For those who do not like the look sexy on display at the social networking is not small. If you do not like to be humbled, it is better to save your picture in a private collection remedy, do not broadcast to the public.
  2. The images seem intimate (kissing, hugging, photo of the man holding the "body parts" of women, or photos of women holding "the body" itself).
I encountered no less intimate photos on display at facebook. Which in my opinion, it is foolish. Perhaps pornography and Porno seandinya Constitution strictly enforced. I hope it is dealt with. Married or not, displaying images of this kind, I think it could invite unpleasant words in the liver. And if it is connected with religion. It's up to the understanding of each course.

Do not display photos others booed.

That is, do not display the photograph of another person be it a friend, or anyone else is, who intend to embarrass him. Although his intention was just for entertainment or just a joke, but if people in the photos uploaded was not received, of course, this can cause problems.

Source: FB, SObe careful to upload photos on Facebook.
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Friday, June 8, 2012

Gemscool forum indonesia

Gemscool forum is a place for the member gemscool meet each other and exchange information. Forum Member is quite frequently visited by almost all members who have registered daftar gemscool. In addition to information about the latest forum rules gemscool members of this forum will also get updated information faster game because the forum is being organized by the admin of
Forum Member

Gemscool forum indonesia

In terms of regulation in this forum is a little bit tight as to keep the members of each other are not each other down, one rule that I can quote is:

Anda dapat melakukan posting link umum ke sumber/website lain, tetapi dilarang keras melakukan link langsung atau berbagi informasi/material ber-hak cipta dalam forum ini. Jika Anda tidak yakin akan isi konten yang akan anda posting, silahkan hubungi moderator dan/atau admin untuk membantu Anda.
Contoh: Torrent, program P2P, dan direct link untuk download materi-materi illegal

If you are loyal visitors of gemscool not hurt also to contribute to a positive contribution to this forum, due to simply use the forum login ID of the account gemscool that we use in the game gemscool.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Gemscool Indonesia

Site like Gemscool is the largest online games and play in Indonesia. This is caused because gemscool provide online games are loved by the quality that is not in doubt. Online games are provided gemscool include Pointblank, Lost Saga 2, FreeStyle, Yulgang, Dragon Nest, Apocalyps, Atlantica, Cabal and Mako.

Surely you are familiar with Point Blank, alias Multiplayer Online Shooting game shoot-out with lots of players, where hundreds of thousands of people can play together straight shooting each other with various weapons that exist. Gemscool PB Member of FPS multiplayer game is the biggest and best in Indonesia. These games were first developed by South Korea Zapetto of dn published by NCSoft. In addition to the south kore, this game has its own server in Thailand, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, the United States, and Peru. In Indonesia, the game is managed through kerjsama between PT. Kreaon and Register. Point Blank tells tentng Free Rebels and a feud between the government, represented by the Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force).

Register a new game yet of which seems to be the jazz realm MMORPG Dragon Nest Indonesia, and probably would shift the other games as playing online games Rooling best, because it is exciting 3D games. In this world, there have been 100 million more people playing Dragon Nest, and became the best-selling MMORPG in South Korea.

How To Play the Game in Gamescool

For those of you who want to play the games of the Register, you must have to daftar gemscool first and then download the game client of his. Member Account mutliplay serves, in addition to log into online games portal also to log into the forum Register and also fill the G-Cash. Diforum that you will get lots of information about downloading the latest games, info perekah games, guidance on how to fill G-Cash for beginners and so on. G-Cash or Cash Register function is to buy weapons, items and so on to support the game of online games. Well, them know why the Member is a free online games? Because his income aside from sponsors as well as from the sale of G-Cash. In addition to setting up G-Cash Register was also providing G-Booster that works to facilitate the user in downloading, updating, installing, playing games quickly, in contrast to no wear G-Booster.
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